Isn't Nemo Lovely?! I'm quite fond of him. He even moves back and forth like a real fish. I thought it was an adequate souvenier for a beach/fishing town. As for European fashion these days, leggings with jean shirts or long shirts are definitely in. Oh and tank tops with light summery scarves. I swear, if I tried keeping up with the fashion changes as accurately as Germans would like, I'd be more broke than a door nail. They always have the newest fashions, trends, etc. and its almost fascinating how fast things come and go into their stores. I love it, not going to lie, but dang do I wish I had a job here which could afford my shopping lust. Oh well, another day I suppose. I'll just have to alternate between my couple cute outfits which I've acquired over the year. Should do the trick. Oh, just another note. The German culture tends to prefer the darker color tones of the blues, blacks, greys, browns and whites. Ok white isn't dark, but it definitely fits into their preferred color scheme. It isn't a bad thing- they do tend to usually look classy. Granted there are shirts which are pink, yellow, bright green, whatever. But if you walk through a crowd of people you're most likely to find blues and greys. Tis the way it is! But I kind of like it. At lest you usually only have 3 different types of laundry loads.. the blues, the whites and the small load of other colors, whereas back home its the pinks and reds, the blues, the blacks, the whites, the other random brights.. yeah. Woooo laundry day. I should probably get on that. But anyway.
Note to self: Get your butt to the grocery store. You've successfully eaten everything possible out of your house and have pushed back going to the store for the last 2 weeks. Your mother would not be proud of you.
Back to the point.
So Luebeck. What a cute little town! Here are some photos from miandering around the city before our shopping adventures..
So there is a small glimpse of Luebeck for ya. The last two photos were in a Marzipan shop which Luebeck is famous for, called Niederegger. If you want a better idea of what they offer there or what Marzipan is exactly, check out their site..
It's in German, but on the upper right hand corner you can switch it to english :) They can make the most realistic shapes out of Marzipan, such as the little lobsters in the photo above. Personally I'm not a huge fan of the taste of Marzipan, but I am definitely a fan of the cute things they can create! I was so close to bringing home one of those little lobsters (they practically never go bad..) but eh. A photo will do. If you're ever in Luebeck though, I definitely recommend stopping into one of the shops. Even if you're like me and don't particularly fancy the taste of Marzipan, the designs and creations are worth a glance.
The main planned event for the group was a walking tour of Luebeck and then a boat tour of the canals. Unforuntely, due to misunderstandings, our tour guide never showed up for the walking tour, leaving us with only the boat tour. Since Luebeck was such a small city and I didn't feel like I was missing out on too much, the disappointment was kept at a low regarding the tour by foot. Oh well. Carissa and I went back to the city center so she could get a dress/shirt she wanted and then we both indulged in fruit smoothies. It really wasn't a waste of an afternoon after all. The boat tour was pretty sweet and short, but I got some nice pictures of the riverboats and such. Ch-ch-check it out!
So those are some of the sights from the tour. Not too shabby. The only downside to the tour was the guide's speech, which was all in German, and he kept saying "well of course the Americans won't know this.." as though we couldn't understand him. Helloooo some of us know exactly what you're saying all the time. Oh well. A day in the life I suppose.
After the tour, a few friends and myself headed out for Hamburg which was only a 40 minute train ride south of Luebeck. I went to dinner with the Hamburgers, hung out at a friends apartment and then Chris, Patrick, Thorben and myself went to join up with my program on the beach the next morning. The beach was in Travemuende. I didn't realize it, but I had actually been to that exact beach with my first host family back in 2007 on a weekend day trip. It was kind of an odd feeling being back there, like walking into a foggy, sandy memory. But the beach was nice (minus the intense wind) and I managed to receive some new tan lines. There is this one main hotel in Travemuende, and oh my god is it ugly. It's like the one sky scraper in the middle of a small village, just like, standing there. So out of place. Apparently the hotel is supposed to be super nice, but they could have made it more horizontal than vertical in my opinion.

Yep. Welcome to the beach. The baby is also in our program; we have a married couple with their 5 month old here with us. She is so adorable! And has an odd but cute obsession with bottles. Ohhh babies.
In other news, the reading is almost to a close. I'm halfway through Reading Lolita in Tehran, and then the final book is The Shaking Woman by Siri Hustvedt. I've heard from others that the Shaking Woman book is supposedly terrible, so I can't say I'm all that thrilled to be moving onto that book. Oh well. After that, I only have one essay and I'm done with that course! AHHH! I'm so excited. Well actually, that course did teach me a lot about literature that I really would never have figured out on my own, and has improved my writing by making me think more in deapth behind what I'm writing.. if that makes sense. Whatever. In short, I guess the course was helpful in the long run and not a waste of effort and time, which is always a relief. My other European Union course has a lot of work to be done in the next week, so I should probably wrap up this blog and get on that. Next stop on the list, Norway! I'm excited since it's been my dream vacation since what feels like forever, and I finally get to meet up with my friend from high school who was an exchange student in my grade. She's probably one of the funniest people I've ever met, so I'm pretty pumped. I'm not pumped to deal with the prices of Norway (similar yet worse than those in Sweden which I already spent enough time in this blog whining about) but it should be ok. You only live one right? Well, I'm off to do homework for class and then off to class! Until next time ladies and gents.