Exciting news.. this weekend two of my friends from Hamburg came to visit me! I was SO excited! We had this planned since about, oh, July. They're Patrick and Chris and I met them through my very first German-Bay Port exchange about 4 or 5 years ago. We've managed to stay all really close since then, so this weekend was just awesome. It really felt normal and comfortable from the minute they arrived until the minute they left. It's nice to realize that nothing has really changed between any of us; so many things change so fast in this world its really quite comforting that a friendship which has survived 5,000 miles and years of distance is managing somehow to remain unchanged. I really actually felt quite at home while they were here. It is probably because having old friends in my house made me feel more comfortable and just, well, at home. Yep. Simple joys of life. Friday after they arrived we went out to dinner with some of the American girls in my group and Senta at a restaurant in the Oberstadt. It was good, except apparently my mother wasn't lying when she informed me that I cut my food kind of like a barbarian. The entire table was trying to teach me how to cut this pizza (Germans don't serve their pizzas pre-cut, FYI) for about a half hour. It was rather pathetic. But I would like to blame the really tough crust and slippery plate for my issue. And besides, Barbarians were loved too... ok, maybe not. But still. After dinner we went out to a club and danced for ahwhile (and by awhile, I mean until about oh, 4:30 am...) and then crashed. It was so much fun. The club was really empty at the beginning but by the time we left, the one dance floor was quite full to the point where we had to weave through the crowd. Saturday we just chilled around the apartment all day until about 3 when we went to the oberstadt and walked around. We ended up eating at a restaurant I had eaten in before with Sarah and Severin the first weekend I was here in Marburg. After dinner we went back, got ready and went to a bar where the American group was meeting up, chatted with the other Americans, and then went out to a club again (the same as the night before). In total, both nights were a ton of fun. The people really made the nights hilarious and just a genuinely great time. Patrick is a crazy dancer, but then again, after spending a year in Tanzania dancing with the Africans, how couldn't you be? This morning after waking up, the boys, my friend Carissa and myself ate "breakfast" (ok, it was technically lunch time, but whatever) and then just went back and cleaned up my apartment a little. They left around 5 pm for the 4.5 hour ride back to Hamburg, and I came to the library to update the world on my life. It seriously was just a great weekend.
So yep. Those are my boys :) At one point during their trip Patrick pointed out to me that most German cars are not bright colors; the majority are just a bland grey, black, white, or maybe once and awhile a red. I guess I hadn't noticed it, but it's really true. When you see a bright colored car, its like, whoa. Maybe it isn't the same all over Germany, but if it is like this in both Hamburg and Marburg.. hmm. Interesting though.
So I always think of little things I should mention in my blog which are interesting and so different from home, however, when I sit down to write in this dang thing, I forget! It's so completely frustrating. So, I'm going to quick list some random things to catch you up to whatever I forgot to mention before..
My apartment building only allows you to do laundry until 10 pm, so, the ethical person would not put their 3 loads of laundry in at 9:58 with no opportunity to dry them later, leaving my apartment completely covered in a wet ensemble of my wardrobe..

If you want to look European (and are female), merely find a pair of ballerina slippers, skinny jeans, a fitted coat, scarf and ipod. The ipod is essential, because 95% of the Europeans using public transit are connected to their ipods as though it were another part of them.
I'm beginning to feel as though I don't stick out here like a sore thumb anymore, and it's really a great feeling
Special K is about 4.50 for one box of cereal, one box of Easy mac is about 8 euros and ranch dressing is 7 dollars for a small bottle. Why? All imported, all foreign, all completely not worth it. Well, except the Special K. I can't give up on my homie.
I received my Visa back from the ... Visa office place?... and I look like a beaten housewife. I don't know what happened to my photo, but there is a black blotch over my nose and it just looks like I've seriously taken a fist to the face. I plan to send these extra photos home for my parents to put in their wallets. I'm quite proud.
Bikers are crazy.
Construction workers don't wear hard hats, even if there are cranes and fork-lifts involved.
Mailing anything home to the USA is EXTREMELY expensive, so I might just wait until Christmas to "send" anything... sorry guys!
we had 2 days in a row with no rain.. again with the epic-ness.
life is beautiful. Especially when you're in Germany.
So, I need to go home and write an essay still tonight for tomorrow's class. This is my address for those of you who would like to send me letters or what not.
Angelina Ernst ( don't forget to mention her name)
z.Hd. Stephanie Tesch
Gisselbergerstraße 2
35037 Marburg
Good night folks.
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