Sunday, August 29, 2010

Oh the Comforts of Germany

So, days two and three have now come and gone and I have begun feeling somewhat at home in this supposedly foreign place.  I'm already on a hot search for my own bicycle to use for random adventures through the city, grocery shopping, and for extra speed on those mornings I just can't seem to wake up for class on time.  Bikes are a major trend here.  I suppose it makes sense; who would want to drive around when everything is so close, and when you can experience the simple beauty up close without any plastic, metal, or glass between you. 
Sadly, It's cold here, unlike Green Bay.  Today was maybe, just maybe, 55 degrees.  It also tends to rain here on and off, kind of like if the weather were a 2 year old toddler that randomly wishes to throw tantrums.. yeah.  The rain only lasts for about 5 to 10 minutes, and then it just decides to up and quit.  I wish it would make up it's mind, quite honestly.  I mean, it'd be rather convenient to not have to constantly carry around my recently purchased bright blue and obnoxious umbrella everywhere, all the freaking time, even when it is completely sunny, but hey.  I can adjust.  Besides.  Perhaps I'll find a really unique umbrella somewhere and make a totally awesome fashion statement out of what may seem as downfall of a situation.  It'll be epic.  And I'll rock it.  As long as I don't slip on the cobblestones, that is. 

Aren't they so cute?  Yep.  Welcome to my world! Yesterday during the day we spent the majority of our time walking around and exploring the city.  I bought a portable internet stick thing (which is proving quite problematic.. thank god I have Severin the computer genuis), some little random items, and a train ticket thing which I will need all semseter.  I took about 133 pictures during this random wanderings, and i think I'm going to open a Picasa account through google which can hold picture albums that are FREE.  Yayyy Free!  Such a great word.  So yes, I'll post the link once I get around to materializing something.  In the meantime, here are a few of my pictures.. woo!  I'm sure quite a few of you have already thoroughly stalked them on facebook but, eh, my grandma would love to see them, so just bear with me.

In other news, last night I went "out" for the first time of many I'm sure.  Severin, Sarah and I met up with a new friend I have made here in Marburg and went to a cozy bar in the Oberstadt (last time I wrote Upperstadt, but was later corrected..hmm). It was this cute little bar that had wooden floors, a crazy staircase, wooden bar, and tons and tons of college students and old friends laughing over a good german beer.  I'm not one for beer so I stuck to shots of lighter liquors, and we made quite the night of the evening.  We also went out dancing at a club, but it was kind of awkward because the club was quite empty considering most students are not currently in the city; it's currently holidays for them.  However it was still really fun and I'm super glad to have made a really good friend in this city already.  Her name is Senta, and she may be a little alternative, but hey, she's pretty awesome.  But back to the bars.  This city really isn't the city to get completely drunk off your you know what in.  Why?  Try 75 degree hills which you need to either balance down or climb up after drinking all night in the bars/pubs.  I watched a variety of drunk people stumble down these cobblestoned death traps last night and a few bottles of vodka roll after them, so, yes.  These hills are intense people.  Intense. 

Soo yes.  It was quite the interesting evening.  No, grandma, I didn't drink all those shots alone.  Just.. most of them.  :)  At the end of the night, I had no problem climbing down the death traps of marburg, and woke up with no headache, so the evening was a success.  However, I would totally recommend buying bottles of your liquor of choice before going out, and buying less drinks at the actual bar, because it can become quite expensive.  And expensive generally isn't a term I'm fond of on this trip.  Or any trip.  Whatever. Hmm so that's about it for this entry.  Oh, we took a random road trip to a city near Marburg yesterday named Giessen  and well... I didn't take any photos, but it's not like you're all missing anything.  It was kind of ghetto, except the main shopping center.  That was actually pretty nice and chic', but you had to walk through the old, garbage scattered, liquid spattered streets with sketchy turkish restaurants lining the streets to get to it.  But eh, minor.  I bought some school supplies (which minor note- Visa basically does not exist here.. urgghhh).. and that was about it.  Oh and some chocolate.  But chocolate is about as frequent as water here, so it's really not all that much to write home about.  So, I'm off to bed.  It's already 11:03 and I'm thoroughly exhausted.  Tomorrow I'll finally move into my apartment, and finally be able to stop eating out.. not that the food here isn't cheap and amazingly delicious.  But yes.  One last note- Mom, send me Ranch dressing.  Please.


  1. Jealousy is radiating through my body, so either come home or stop posting picture of delicious Severin on here :)

  2. Oh well Brittany, the obvious choice for you would be to get your awesome butt on an almost as awesome plane so we can reunite in this much better than just awesome country of joy... ehm yeah, hurry up ;)

  3. Plans are in the works Severin...don't you worry you're cute little butt.
